Thu, Mar 16
The Value of Beaver Created Wetland Habitat in Vermont
Join us for our third installment of our 2023 Seminar Series, "The Value of Beaver Created Wetland Habitat in Vermont", presented by Tyler Brown of the VT F&W Department. Tyler will discuss the department’s Beaver Baffle Project and then focus on the benefits of beaver created wetlands!
Time & Location
Mar 16, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
About The Event
Join us for our third installment of our 2023 Seminar Series, "The Value of Beaver Created Wetland Habitat in Vermont " presented by Tyler Brown, Wildlife Specialist at Vermont Fish and Wildlife. Tyler is also responsible for the department's Beaver Baffle Program and assisting with the furbearer program. Come learn about why beavers are so important to our landscape, and considered a keystone species!
Presentation will begin at 6:30 PM, followed by our regular UMATR monthly Committee Meeting. We encourage you to stick around for our business meeting to learn more about UMATR! We hope to see you there.
Register here to get email updates on this event. Join using this zoom link at 6:30 PM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83629206871?pwd=dlNtRk1vZERwUEluZ2dJUXFvQVg4dz09