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Past Projects List

We have provided over $349,000 and counting in grant funds to our communities and for activities along our rivers since 2017

2017 VRC Richford Riverside (1).JPG
2017 VRC Richford Riverside (7).jpg
2017 FCNRCD Stream Scientists_JBartlett3.JPG

2018 Grants

Enosburg Informational Kiosk


Summer on the River

Enosburg River Craft

Cold Hollow to Canada Mammal Trapping Project 

Richford River Beautification

River Explorers with Mont Adventures

2018 Missisquoi River Paddle and Pedal in Richford

2018 Stream Scientists 2.0

2017 Grants

2017 Stream Scientists in Richford 

Richford Riverside Conservation Area and Public Access Project

2017 Missisquoi River Paddle and Pedal in Richford 

Troy School Missisquoi River Planning
2018 Game Cam3.JPG
2018-06-23 RiseVT_531.jpg
2018 kiosk pic 1.jpg
2018 FCNRCD Stream Scientists (8).JPG
2018 FCNRCD Stream Scientists (6).JPG
2019 Lowell School Water Sampling (8).jpg
2019 Mont Rec Canoe Trip.jpg
2019 Lowell School Water Sampling (2).jpg
2019 Mont Rec snowshoes.jpg

2019 Grants

Missisquoi Headwaters
Search and Rescue

Snowshoes for Montgomery Rec

Encore West Tee Week on the River

Cold Hollow to Canada Keeping Track Monitoring Program

Trout in the Classroom and Stream Monitoring 

Student River Trips in Montgomery

Journey's End Privy


2020 Grants

Marvin Road Culvert Project

Education About Our Rivers at the Public Library

Loop Rd Davis Bridge Sediment Removal 

NSCU Encore After School and Summer Programs

Wild & Scenic Paddle Adventure Camp #1

Long Trail Stabilization on Jay Peak

Samsonville Dam Remains Removal
(Phase 1)

McKay Site Improvements and Big Falls River Access

Hill Rd Culvert

Cemetery Rd Culvert

Pinnacle Rd Stone-Lined Ditching

Veilleux Rd Stabilization
Hill St 1 after.jpg
Copy of IMG_1085.JPG
Richford Historical Signs 4.jpg

2022 Grants

Brownway Stone Steps and Boat Slide

Vermont Youth Project Missisquoi River Youth C

Tillotson Road Trailhead Culvert Replacement & Enlargement Project

Jay Community Recreational Centre Erosion and Mitigation

Teen River Paddle - NCSU Encore

Missisquoi River Access
from Richford Jr./Sr. High Schools

Mussel Survey of Berkshire to Richford

Film Project: Exploring Our Cultural Waters 


2021 Grants

Teen River Paddle

Wild & Scenic Paddle Adventure Camp #2

Missisquoi Abenaki History & Paddling Lessons

Historical and Recreational Information About the Missisquoi River and Its Shores in Richford

War Canoe on the Wild & Scenic River 

A Written and photographic History of the Mills and Historic Structures on the Trout and Missisquoi Rivers in the Wild & Scenic Designated Area

Freshwater Mussel inventory of the Missisquoi River 

Exploring the Trout River Through the Arts

2021 River Rd Culvert Project

Loop Road Culvert Replacement 

Marvin Rd Project

Feasibility Study Re: Erosion Mitigation on Trail Along Trout River

Hill Street Ditching
Fence (S.Rivard).jpg
Kids at Educational Day #3(J. Ste. Marie).png
steps 1.jpg
Steps #2(S.Rivard).jpg

2023 Grants

Expansion of the Enosburg Recreational Canoe and Kayak Rental Program
Knotweed Control Montgomery Town Land at 251 Fuller Bridge Rd
Montgomery Town Forest BioBlitz

Teen River Paddle- NCSU Encore

Threatened Species: Habitat Support and Educational Outreach

Richford Elementary School BioBlitz and Nature Trail Improvement

Enosburgh Sustainable Angling Workshop

Revitalization of the Bridge of Flower and Lights

River Rd Culvert

Golf Course Rd Ditching project

Stonehouse Rd Culvert & Driveway Project

Veilleux Rd Ditching

1784 Loop Rd (Ditches and Culvert)
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