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Cold Hollow to Canada Mammal Tracking Project

The Upper Missisquoi and Trout Rivers Wild and Scenic Committee is dedicated not only to the health of our rivers, but to the larger ecosystem in the region they flow through. It is with this in mind that we granted Cold Hollow to Canada money to purchase game cameras, which were installed in woodlots around our wild and scenic rivers. They captured some exciting shots of the wildlife near and along our river corridors!


Cold Hollow To Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting a healthy and intact forested landscape. Their service area, the "Cold Hollow Mountains," spans seven towns along the Northern Green Mountains near the Canadian border. As part of their Keeping Track Program, they train citizen scientists to identify and monitor populations of animals, including : black bear, moose, lynx, bobcat, cougar, river otter, mink, fisher, timber wolf and American marten.

To capture these photos and attract animals, skunk lure was placed on top of the stake and a feather (turkey, grouse, or chicken) was attached via fishing line and a swivel. In addition, a cd was hung by a nearby tree to further attract the animal.  Each transect team assisted in setting up the cameras and continue to monitor the cameras seasonally. According to Nancy Patch, Franklin County Forester, the result has been better than expected, capturing many of the focal mammal species in the Keeping Track program. 

To learn more about this project visit

To learn more about the larger Keeping Track Program, visit

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